Day 32: Zero In Mojave

No, zero is not the temperature it is how many trail miles I walked today. The temp is about 95 and I have walked about 3 miles to do my chores in this armpit of a town. The town is a 1.5 mile strip consisting of a four lane road with railroad tracks on one side and gas stations, fast foods and dive hotels on the other side.
I have enjoyed the luxury of the old Motel 6. There is a newer Motel 6 1 mile away but that one cost an outrageous $50 per night, this one is $40. Last night there was a bug on the floor next to my pack. I give even odds on whether it came from my pack or it came with the room.
I slept in this morning and loved it. Not even the excessively loud, room shaking train traffic bothered me. Eventually I got up, showered and walked across the street for breakfast. Grocery shopping was next up. I bought food for 7 days to get the 136 miles to Kennedy Meadows.
The next section is the driest and hottest of the trail. There are several 20 mile stretches without water so I will have to carry a bunch. I decided to take 4 days food with me and mail 3 days food to the Onyx post office to reduce weight. Tiny town that is a 17 mile hitch off the trail in 86 miles that has a P.O. but no stores. I have to make it there by Friday at 4 to get the package. If I miss that I will have to hitch 35 miles to Lake Isabella and buy supplies.
I also sent home my microspikes and maps I no longer need. I arrived at the PO at 1:15 and had to wait till lunch was over at 2. After the post office I walked to the one barbershop in town but it was closed on Mondays. There is not an outfitter in town but there is an Army/Navy store where I thought I might find some sort of pad. Not on a Monday, it’s closed.
Another nice call with Gayle during her evening commute and now an early bedtime.

I just googled Mojave, CA. It looks like you may have missed “Reefer City” (which Google says is about 5 miles south of your Motel 6) and “still appeared on maps as late as 1947”). It looks like you already passed the “Exotic Feline Breeding Compound” about 22 miles SE of you. What a loss! Don’t forget to smell the roses along the way.
Ya made it! That was a tuff stretch! All’s well. 👍
Looking at your food supplies and thinking of the great meals Gayle prepares…… I guess that wasn’t very nice of me to remind you of that! Keep on keeping on dear brother in law!
It’s been a week since you posted this entry, but I see on your map you are moving right along and should be in Kennedy Meadows today. You are amazing, Jon! I hope it has been a good week for you, hopefully a bit cooler than the 95 you reported today [so your chocolate doesn’t melt :)] and that you got to Onyx on time to claim your supplies at the post office. We really missed you at the Rietmulder Memorial Day gathering yesterday at Jim & Beth’s. Love you.