Day 109: Snoqualmie Pass

From Olallie Meadow mile 2385.8 to Snoqualmie Pass mile 2390.6
I woke up in a cloud, everything wet. A quick 2 hour walk got me to the pass where the last stretch was down a ski slope.
I ate, several times, while waiting to be able to check into the hotel. At the taco stand I ran into Viens, a hiker from NC just a few years younger than me. We agreed to share a room.
A bit later Digs showed up. After showers, laundry and sorting through resupply packages we had dinner at the brew pub nearby. Shambles also joined us.
Digs was going to camp near the highway and was grateful for our offer to sleep on the floor of our room. Between her and drying gear every inch of floor space was covered.
It feels so good to be clean and dry!